
NEDAwareness Week

This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week so I figured that I would mention it so you all could be aware... I feel like it's something everyone should be aware of.  And it hits home with me because I've been there and done that on both ends of the eating disorder spectrum [which I don't think I've ever actually voiced outside my mind until right now].  This is why dieting was never an option to me because I felt like it would turn into an eating disorder all over again.  So this whole diet inspired by Lent is definitely a challenge each day, but I'm working through it :-)

Anywho if you want to learn more about the disorders or about the awareness week you can go to the NEDA website and read up about it.  I encourage everyone to do so.

welp back to studying pour moi... have a great day!

beaucoup d'amour...

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