so it's been kind of a while... & ii always have so much to say. yet everytime ii think to go on here & write, ii end up saying "well self you could really be using this time to study." lol then ii go study instead. but now ii figured whatevs doesn't hurt to write for a lil...
anywho welp since I've been silent thee greatest thyng ever happened
MY TEAM FINALLY WON THEE SUPERBOWL!!! [yes iim a huge football fan]. ii was so excited beyond explanation hehe. been waiting for this forever and so proud of my team :-]... WHOO HOO NEW ORLEANS SAINTS! WHO DAT?!? this entire season has been so exciting & ii luv'd it! ii can't wait for next season to start cuz ii wanna get sum tix asap. or talk to thee mister about grabbing some. SOMETHING!
but yeh that was thee highlight of my year. ii knew 2010 would do right by me. and sheeesh talking about that has made me forget everything ii wanted to talk about. oh wellz tho! SAINTS BABY!! je l'adore!
beaucoup d'amour...

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