8:30 n thee am. at UCR. in thee University Lecture Hall 1500. waiting on my 9:10 n thee am bio class to start. figured I'd type. normally I would be on twitter or facebook or BBM'n someone right now. but all that juss seems so uninteresting to me. I have nuthin to really say in 140 characters. can't put too much on thee fb status cuz then ery1 reads it & ends up having a prob with sumthin ii say. &there's no one to even talk to on BBM. cuz ii mean who even BBM's me anymore? sonny&dulce&jaynaenay... that's prolly about it lol. & no one ever actually reads this so hey here ii am :-P
recently, I've just felt so disconnected from so many pple. I always try to stay in touch with all my friends and I always make a point to go see pple and hang out with them. But I just have been feeling lyke it's been all me. no one else makes a point to do thee same. So why should i?!? Consequently, I stopped. And it's very interesting to see who still comes around. Or even just says hi. What's even more funny is how there's so many means of contacting pple these days that there's no excuse not to. I think thee only person that has even come out to my new house in Moreno Valley has been Dulce. And Nneks has at least offered to come out, but my schedule's so hectic right now that I haven't been able to set a date. Anywho it's the thought that counts. Still tho... it's all really interesting. But whatevs pple have their own agenda, and have their own lives to live. So I'm just sitting, observing, and learning. . .
beaucoup d'amour...

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