hehe thaa line has juss been in mah mynd this whole tyme iive been in thee library pretendin to study for mah music midterm thaas 2morrow. . . ii dunno why ii alwayz end up havin to take these breaks when iim studyin or doing boring hw but they're def necessary. ii juss can't sit here doing thee same thyng for too long. it kills meeh. it bores meeh. it makes meeh sleepy [which is progressively gettin harder & harder for meeh to avoid at thee tyme]. this is why ii came to thee library [wellz thaa & mah roommates were being way too loud fa meeh to study effectively]. whaas crazy is ii def took an almost 2 hr nap 2day yet iim still tired. all frikkin bad!! but mayne ii juss wanna go to sleep so bad hehe. ii luv sleep!! & ii barely get it so its alwayz juss thee bess when ii actually do. . . BLAH BLAH BLAH. RAMBLE RAMBLE RAMBLE. . . ii kno. ii kno. welp guezz ii shud try to get bacc to thee "studyin"

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