today's the 1st day of spring quarter. . .
1st day of classes means now thee tyme to buy new books. sell thee old books. pay mah rent. throw away old insignificant notes & notebooks. file all thee luvly A papers & A quizzes/tests/midterms in thee portfolio iive been keeping since thee 5th grade [ii dunno why. j
uss have done it ever since]. & organize mah lyfe. . . ii cannot go into thee new quarter w.out organizing my desk & mah folders [its thee darn OCD smh]. so as ii proceed to place my schedule into the bacc cover of mah general binder ii alwayz color in mah classes 1st [thee free printing is def not in color lol] & ii realized DARN II HAVE 5 CLASSES [7 if you count thee discussions&workshops] & ONLY 4 HIGHLIGHTERS!! this was mah dilemma for thee day hehe. but afta much thynkin, sum frustration, no lukk in fynding a green highlighter in office max, and finally deciding to juss leave one class clear, it came to meeh. AHA!! yellow + blue = green!
with that sayd iid lyke to thank my 2nd/3rd grade elem skool teacher Mrs. Ichino for making sure ii understood this concept. w.out such great younger yr training ii wud not have made it thru mah day 2day :-]

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