ii fynd mah self bored in thee midst of studying for mah chemistry final thaas on thee upcoming wednesday. so ii take whaa ii lyke to call a "technology break": checc a few emails. do thee facebook thyng [tried to have an open mynd. but now hate thee new look]. answer sum aims. read sum away msgs. . . & a thought comes to mynd
ii dunno why but it juss seems lyke ery1 is tryin too hard nowadays. ery1 wants to be different than ery1 else & they're tryna establish this "swag" to set them apart frum others. in mah opinion, every1's tryin so hard to be different thaa they're all endin up lookin thee dayum same. iive tried to define meeh. but ii tend to get stukk a lot. bcuz at thee bess tymez ii juss dunno who ii am or whaa ii truly want. & ii thynk thaas great! thee beauty of thee search. lyke ii get to discover mah self everyday. mah lykes.dislykes.whaa makes meeh happy.whaa makes meeh laugh.who can put a smile on mah face.mah persona.mah goals n lyfe.mah inspirations. it kynda excites meeh to kno thaa ii can change or ii can remain thee same.
this swag thyng kills meeh tho. every1 has this same demeanor. & every1's statuses or aways juss consist of a dayum lyric from lyke lil wayne or drake. ummmz isn't thaa their swag & not yurs then? & if ery1 is usin these same lyrics how are yooh settin yurself apart frum them? then all these pple r wearin thee same dayum off thee wall clothes [wit thee skinny jeans & flannel shyrts & crazy colors] ii mean geeeesh!! iim still no fan of a guy's jeans being smaller than myne. if yooh look uncomfortable iim pretty sure yooh r so y do yooh have it on? wont catch meeh in anythyng thaas not feelin good. & ii def condone thee pastel colors esp since iive alwayz worn them however ii still feel lyke yooh cud leave thee purple &mustard skinnys up to meeh. its okay guyz we dont have to match thaa much :-P but ii mean if yooh truly love this look & thaas how yooh feel thaa day then do yooh. ii juss cant cosign for thee 1s doin it juss cuz its in. TATS TOO!! erybody wants a dayum tat now. tats&kids thaas all ii hear about & see. "iim gettin tatted 2day" or "iim preggers AGAIN [wit mah 3rd child & iim only 21]" ii cud go on 4eva so iima juss stop & go finish watchin this darn grey's anatomy ii missed bcuz ii was watchin thee longest college bball game eva [dayum 5 overtymez hehe]