
...[pet peeves]...

Welp I'm sitting here in thee library about to try to study, but I feel like I cannot just yet because I NEEDED to get some thyngs off my chest :- ]

                ii hate. . .

  • unorganization
  • dirty kitchens
  • when pple use thee word conversate — thee only time I ever can deal with it is when Tupac said it in "Toss It Up" lol
  • when guys take pictures of their waves — ii mean no one cares how far along you are in your murphy's grease process
  • guys that try to make everyone feel bad for them & put out a big sob story everyday — not attractive!
  • when my nail breaks at thee most inopportune time
  • that this random chick really just left her macbook pro sitting here next to me and I can't take it lol
  • liars — juss be real!
  • Nicki Minaj's raps — LOVE her style [hate pple tryna bite it]. like do you gyrl. & def thynk if she had sumthin to actually say that made sense her rapping would be BAHM cuz thee way she delivers is great. but NOPE; all ignorance
  • thee lady that comes over thee intercom in science library every two secs when they're closing — WE GET IT! we know what tyme you close sheeesh
  • that [he] likes to get that wakka flokka bullshyt song stukk in my head
  • skool and thee pressures that come along with it — man I remember when I used to like this thyng... distant memory now
  • farmville!
  • that I can't just sit out and tan everyday — life would be great lol
  • how everyone thinks they're Gandhi now on fb sending out "words of wisdom" — some just need to GTFOH
  • that new lady gaga & beyonce video — COONERY!
  • that all chairs don't have foot stools to go along with them
  • bad weaves! girls with bad weaves. & thee friends who let them walk around looking like that
  • that thee Maxwell concert on October 16, 2009 ever had to end — honestly, that may have been thee only day in 2009 that I actually enjoyed *shrugs*
  • cleaning up after I cook
  • linking your facebook to your twitter... UGH!
  • updating bbm statuses lyke it's twitter — uhhh stick to one thyng for at least that day plz!
  • AIM — does nothing for me anymore
  • when lil dogs bark... esp when they do it nonstop & wake me up smh
  • losing an hour for this time change — II WILL NEVER ACCEPT THIS! even if ii gain it back later on. eff that! ii want my hour now!
  • pple that drag their feet!
  • when my guy friends get girlfriends and those girls think I want their man — hmmmz never wanted him when you weren't around. why would I now? GTFOH!
  • when ex boyfriends' new girls think I want the guy still — NOOOOO we broke up! ii don't want him! iim very content with my boyfriend [lol so weird to say.been a while]... anywho smh @ these girls
  • going thru withdrawal frum a lack of Lauryn Hill
  • long, ghetto nails
  • bamboo earrings
  • followers — some of y'all really engulf that which is thee twitter lifestyle.  crazy how some pple have started to sound EXACTLY like others. be you? plz ii lyked YOU
  • pple who talk extremely loud on their phones
  • slow drivers in thee fast lane
  • when pple from thee IE try to act bold — uhhh no. you're frum thee inland empire. need ii say more?
  • gang bangers — ii mean c'mon fa real?
  • how pple pretend to go to skool sumwhere but then don't — no1 even cared!
  • tinkling & then realizing there's no tissue in thee bathroom! lol
  • bikers on campus — uhhh be alarmed I will push you off if you get too close
  • smokers! cigarette smokers to be exact — esp those standing outside thee library making it so I must hold my breath to juss walk in
  • pple who take an hour to make a turn!
  • when I'm goin to a stop sign & sum1 goin perpendicular to me is already there yet waits for me to pull up & stop b4 they go — be gone by thee tyme I get there sheesh
  • thee 215 fwy!
  • when pple thynk they're not putting a seatbelt on in my car
  • pple that leave trash in my bacc seat
  • when pple write on my window with their finger RUDE!
  • arby's
  • traffic lights that aren't censored
  • how carson has handicapped me — Lol cuz now I feel lyke everywhere shud have 24 hour everythyng lyke we do & get upset when places aren't
  • when thee water turns cold while I'm in the shower — GHETTO!
  • thee gas light
  • being out of wine
  • when my ipod dies
  • how my car just absolutely can't stay clean out here in thee boonies
  • how UC campuses NEVER are not under construction
  • daytime highway or road construction — there's enuf traffic as it is! def don't need y'all out here closing lanes making it worse
  • looking for parking — everywhere shud valet
  • hmmmz don't hate but def dislike... troy "green tea" lmao that fool is just pretty wakk :-P
  • boredom... SO LET'S GET IT POPPIN :-D

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