Does anyone completely understand you?
ii doubt it.
ii doubt it.
Is it usually easy for someone to make you smile?
Who was the last person to comment you?
on fbook. . . nae nae.
Have you ever liked someone, then realized you didn't?
At the beginning of summer, who were you in a relationship with?
no1. . . ii was very much single :- ]
Was New Year's enjoyable?
only cuz it was so FWAS thaa ii cant 4get it.
When was the last time you talked to your best friend?
Do you have a facebook?
of course.
Ever been kissed under fireworks?
no. . .
Do you believe exes can be friends?
yessir. ii do. tho mah exes have recently been outta pocket & tryna start things back up. but iim still their friend at least.
Where is your biological father right now?\
ii don’t even care. def mad @ him.
Are you a bad influence?
not at all!
Do you hate anyone?
Can you easily tell if someone is fake?
ii guezz.
Have you ever laid in the same bed with someone you liked?
yeppers :- ]. . . friday was a good day.
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
n lyfe: yes. with meeh: no.
If you were in the hospital would your number one come see you?
yeh he def wud.
Is anyone on your top a virgin?
yep yep.
What are you listening to?
meeh pressin these keys.
Do you even try hard at school?
ii work hard.
Will you be in bed in the next 20 minutes?
def n bed as iim doin this.
What was the last beverage you had?
cherry limeade.
Last place you watched a movie and with who?
n theatre with [him]. . . oh & last nite @ breje’s house with her.
What are you planning on doing after this?
study for chem. yes this is meeh procrastinating.
What do you call your number two?
oddly ii call him mah numba 1. hehe.
oddly ii call him mah numba 1. hehe.
Do you currently have a hickie?
no. haven’t had one of those in a long tyme. thank yooh weakness!
What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed?
ummmz absolute.
ummmz absolute.
Did the one person that hurt you most in your life apologize?
nope. he didn’t. but ii forgave him anyway. tho iim super mad @ hime right now [thee sperm donor of course smh].
Who's the last person you hugged?
mah mere.
Ever had your heart broken?
What are you wearing on your feet?
Do you miss your childhood?
very much so.
It's 4 in the morning, your phone rings, who is it?
either mah son kris. or mah ex titus.
Have you ever kissed someone and hated it?
Are you wearing something you borrowed from someone?
iim wearin thee spelman sweater ii borrowed frum freeny. but then she gave it to meeh.
Is anyone on your bad side right now?
How are you feeling at this exact moment?
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Is there anyone who doesn' t like you?
prolly. but doesn’t bother meeh any.
prolly. but doesn’t bother meeh any.
Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
Is there something you should be doing right now?
yeh. studyin for mah chem midterm.
yeh. studyin for mah chem midterm.
Do you like roller coasters?
not @ all.
Who was the last person you held hands with?
Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms?
yeh. :- ]
Do you think you'll have the same best friends a year from now?
ii kno ii will. mah bestests r lyfetymes!
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