Once again it's that time of the year people. The time for hearts, red&pink, flowers, candy, bears, balloons... you know all that mushy crap lol. Anywho a lot of people that know me and how much I'm kind of against the whole love thing are always surprised that I LOVE VALENTINE'S DAY! I mean I love hearts [like as a shape]. and pink. and roses. and stuffed animals. hehe all that. Today so many people have been tikkling me. not even just today. like for the past two weeks I swear. It's all been so random. I am so overly amused at how many guys have tried to go out on a date or have expressed interest. Like THEE MOST RANDOM pple ever in life lol. Or old flames or old friends. I don't know I get confused about it all. Then there's those that swear I'm just so into them. HEHEHE I love it & I admire their confidence. but nahhhhhh mah interest definitely only lies one place right now [which is weird.&new.&scary.&luvly all at one time]. def nowhere near being in love though.
oh & with vday come the ads. so I followed a link & it sayd...
Sign: Virgo
You have to feel secure to be in love, and for that to happen, you need a steady, honest partner who has values that are similar to yours and whose feelings are just as deep. If you have to wonder about a partner's roving eye or inability to commit, you will never reach the level of passion that you would with someone who brings you to a more secure place of the mind and heart. You can be critical, but only because you see things not as they are, but in terms of how much better they can be. You are your own harshest critic, and that's when you need a partner with a sense of humor to keep you sane.
It's so awkward to read something & say "hey that's me!" But hey that's me hehe

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