thee musical is bacc. . . :- ]
♥ kii
iim n thee library @ skool right now. . . thee science library. ii go here bcuz no1 ii kno comes here & lyke most of thee blakk pple @ skool go to thee regular library or anutha comp lab or sumthin. so ii can come here to actually study & not be distracted [which ii was @ mah apt but thaas juss bcuz ii def need thee lyke lyfe around meeh to b paused.mute.still]. . . anywho iim here. ii go to thee quiet floor. & iim good. fynd meeh a lil spot by mah lonesome. & chillbut n0o0o0o0o these random azz pple wud have to come over here & juss eff up mah serenity lol. talkin to each other. but worse: whispering extremely bad. geeeeesh right when ii thought ii was bout to b able to begin. iim thrown off. . . ii specificly chose thee quiet floor cuz its thee only one thaa thee library designates as QUIET! no cell phones. no convos. no groups. juss quiet. . .
& its usually kool. not now tho. which sukks a bit. but hey @ least ii get to write a blog outta it huh? hehe
♥ kii
mikey rokks!!
my weak week.

monday. . . ii was woke up. ii was rudely informed. ii cried. ii cried. ii sang at thee top of mah lungs in an empty parking lot in thee 46 degrees rain. panic attack ensued. ii returned.
tuesday. . . ii contemplated. ii debated. ii studied. ii worried. ii was overcome. ii dreamed.
today. wednesday. . . ii cleansed. ii tried. ii fell short. so ii write.
--sigh of relief--
survey says

ii doubt it.
When was the last time you talked to your best friend?
oddly ii call him mah numba 1. hehe.
ummmz absolute.
prolly. but doesn’t bother meeh any.
yeh. studyin for mah chem midterm.
::since pple alwayz have sumthin to say about it::

ii [heart] alex!
apparently iim a security seeker

Once again it's that time of the year people. The time for hearts, red&pink, flowers, candy, bears, balloons... you know all that mushy crap lol. Anywho a lot of people that know me and how much I'm kind of against the whole love thing are always surprised that I LOVE VALENTINE'S DAY! I mean I love hearts [like as a shape]. and pink. and roses. and stuffed animals. hehe all that. Today so many people have been tikkling me. not even just today. like for the past two weeks I swear. It's all been so random. I am so overly amused at how many guys have tried to go out on a date or have expressed interest. Like THEE MOST RANDOM pple ever in life lol. Or old flames or old friends. I don't know I get confused about it all. Then there's those that swear I'm just so into them. HEHEHE I love it & I admire their confidence. but nahhhhhh mah interest definitely only lies one place right now [which is weird.&new.&scary.&luvly all at one time]. def nowhere near being in love though.
oh & with vday come the ads. so I followed a link & it sayd...
Sign: Virgo
You have to feel secure to be in love, and for that to happen, you need a steady, honest partner who has values that are similar to yours and whose feelings are just as deep. If you have to wonder about a partner's roving eye or inability to commit, you will never reach the level of passion that you would with someone who brings you to a more secure place of the mind and heart. You can be critical, but only because you see things not as they are, but in terms of how much better they can be. You are your own harshest critic, and that's when you need a partner with a sense of humor to keep you sane.
It's so awkward to read something & say "hey that's me!" But hey that's me hehe

mah fav... luv these guys!!
they neva disappoint meeh. ii rilly appreciate seein these men dressed so handsomely & their music is great. so tired of most of these rappers. but otha than underground or less recognized artists these four are def in the top of mah favs

lmao @ MIA. glad she didn't have thee baby on stage though. thaa wuda been interesting to say thee least. & ii def luv'd how after T.I.'s performance with justin timberlake he was lyke "adversity builds character. character will take yooh roads money can't. this is my road to redemption"

ii was so excited thaa adele won 2 grammys. ii absolutely love her music. & ii thynk she deserves it so much. her voice is so great.
anywho way too much drama wit thee whole grammy thyng tho [chris brown & rihanna sad tymez]. so won't talk too much bout it. luv'd thee music though :-)
really etta james?!?
That was utterly ridiculous & plain ignorant. With her background and knowing how she speaks [with all the cursing], I wouldn't have invited her to sing at the inauguration ball either. Just a dayum shame though. sad times for her.
& lol @ this video this guy posted. . .
all smilez

ii have no idea [cuz mah wrist still hurts. mah hair def looks lyke a lion's mane. & ii still have no phone] BUT iim overly pleased hehe. & ii juss love sunny days :-D
its lunch tyme & iim starvin. & ii luv thaa iive gotten this new found passion for cooking. ii used to hate to cook! & didn't even need to bcuz mah big sis or big brotha alwayz did [iim thee babii. yooh gotta luv meeh :-P]. now ii juss absolutely love to do it. iive always lyked watching thee food channel [thaa & cnn are mah fav channels ever. oh & thee box but thaas long gone lol memba thaa channel?] anywho ii juss luv tryin new thyngs out & thee satisfaction of making sumthin yurself & presentation is key as mah big brotha alwayz says. ii alwayz make it look pretty even when iim alone & juss about to eat it anyway. mayne but then sittin down enjoyin it with a glass of wine [!!] is def thee bess... welp yeh iive worked mah self up now. so gotta go make lunch
*beaucoup d'amour*
juss can't get a break :-/

iive got the blues. . .
thee ii lost mah phone. looked erywhere. & its nowhere n sight blues.
thee ii hate tmobile & their stupid pseudo insurance coverage blues.
thee ii can't get a new phone cuz ii def don't have $110 to replace it with blues.
thee nothing ever seems to go right blues.
thee dayum ii shuda bet on thee superbowl game so ii cud have sum money blues.
thee why does shyt lyke this have to happen right when iive actually had a good run of happiness blues.
iive got thee effin blues. . .
thee ii have $125 to mah name to last meeh until thee end of march blues.
thee found out when ii called to turn off mah phone thaa ii went over mah minutes blues.
thee ii cant register for spring quarter till this stupid transcript frum el camino [took art n hs] gets to ucr blues.
thee ii can't even call stupid el camino in order to make sure its been sent blues.
iive got thee dayum blues. . .
but now ii can lol cuz iive gotten it out. & iima juss keep it pushin & continue mah hustle
yep yep tho. iive def got thee blues
iive also got so much more tho so ii still :-)