ii remember it lyke it was yesterday. . .
ii was havin so much fun @ ucla admit day & asp weekend wit danni & niki. then it was tyme to finally go home. got there & no1 was there. it was kynda weird cuz there was alwayz a million pple @ thee house. ii was unpakkin when my phone rang. it was ma mere. she was crying so hard. then she told meeh: "yur brothers were in a car accident & marty didn't make it." ii was just numb. sayd "okay well ill talk to you when you get bacc home." ii juss started walkin around thee house. lyke pacing. then ended up in thee bathroom. & juss collapsed. ii cudn't move.cudn't stop cryin.hysterically. mah big brotha keithie came in thee house & found meeh. was lyke "what's wrong? are you okay?" ii just looked at him. he was lyke "they told you. why wud they tell you over the phone when no1 was here?" & he juss held meeh. . .
ii feel bad cuz its gettin to thee point where ii can't alwayz picture him in my mynd. ii can't make out his voice.
smh its been 4 years. four! it shudn't hurt thee same but it does. it hurts so bad.
gosh ii wish it all had juss been a bad dream !!
to mah
big brotha Marty!!

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