je l'adore!!
new beginnings
je l'adore!!
dont leave meeh summer!!
ii kno yooh miss meeh cuz we been 2getha lyke BMJs & TIZ [lol]. awwwwwwz its over :-( & it has to have been THEE bess one thus far!! lyke no lie. ii luv'd it so much! iim def gonna miss it! iive literally neva smiled more or as constant as ii have this past summer. spent eryday with mah gyrlz LITERALLY everyday. [wish dee cuda been here :-/] but mayne ii dunno whaa iid do w.out yooh all. yur mah sistaz. mah lyfelines. juss erythyng ii cud eva ask for n friends. lyke ii dunno whaa ii did to deserve to have such a great group but dang God was rilly lookin out fa meeh. spent ery otha day wit mah boiz. made new friends of course as ii alwayz do. enjoyed thee flings hehe ;-). wonderin y 1 ended up meanin more than thee othas ahhhh lol. wellz thee end of summer marks thee beginning of a new season so ii welcome this next one with open arms & ii look forward to thee late nites studyin.
early mornings workin. filled dayz of annalee bebes. great conversation, relaxation and getaways with [him]. tryna fynd those sweet kisses and breathtaking hugs. bacc to reality now. but iim makin sure myne is filled with sum sort of fantasy, if only fa a lil while
iim done fa now so 1 fa now. possibly 4eva we had fun 2getha. but lyke all good thyngs we must come to an end. plz show thee same luv to mah friendz. dear summa. . . ♥
fav quotes::
"ii sweat n tha snow" -freeny
"maybe if ii juss close mah eyes" -kii
"iim so happy ii have this phone & not yurs" -freeny
"ii thynk ii can conquer those balls" -shype
"he been smokin weed since weed came out" -jonathan
"nobody can sweat sooner than ola" -meech
"call thaa ni99a right now lyke. . . 'r yooh sweatin?'" -roccet
"don't disrespect mah lyfestyle" -fonz
"whaa ii got thee roc-o-meter?" -meech
"iim not tryna run tho. iim on thaa type of shyt thaa if ii c yooh, yooh it!" -jonathan [referrin to our game of hide&seek lol]
"sumbody gotta b thirsty to get shyt a lil poppin" -freeny
"ii hated those glasses. ii wanted to rip them off his face & say WTF were yooh thynkin" -nae
"ii love yooh too. look whaa iima do" -momma diana
"ii tried to. ii needed to c it!!" -nae
"shyt. . . whaa happened to meeh goin to work?!?" -meech
"whaa type of ni99a is yooh. . . thaa shyt is panzy water" -swamp [referrin to sisco drynkin smirnoff]
"ni99az n mah lyfe b actin lyke sum nappy headed hoes" -bee
"gotta smoke an L so ii can have a lil love meeh long tyme on mah dikk" -swamp
"ii mean fa real. how wud yooh even feel killin a college student?" -theo
HaHaHa... thee truth
lmao this type of stuff is y ii absolute love erykah badu!! juss real all tha tyme... here's a lil advice to sum of yooh gyrlz out there tryna make it :-P
lament :-/
yestaday, ii cried.
ii came home, went straight to mah room, sat on tha edge of mah bed, kicced off mah shoes, unhooked mah bra, & ii had mah self a good cry.
iim tellin yooh,
ii cried until mah nose was runnin all ova tha shyrt ii got @ fashion trend.
ii cried until mah ears were hot.
ii cried until mah head was hurtin so bad... thaa ii cud hardly see tha pile of soiled tissues lyin on tha floor @ mah feet.
ii want yooh to undastand,
ii had mah self a rilly good cry yestaday.
yestaday, ii cried,
for all tha dayz thaa ii was too busy, or too tired, or too mad to cry.
ii cried for all tha dayz, and all tha wayz,
and all tha tymez iii had dishonored, disrespected, and disconnected mah Self frum mahself,
only to have it reflected bacc to meeh n tha wayz othas did to me
tha same thyngs ii had already done to mah self.
ii cried for all tha thyngs ii had given, only to have them stolen;
for all tha thyngs ii had asked for thaa had yet to show up;
for all tha thyngs ii had accomplished, only to give them away, to pple n circumstances, which left meeh feeling empty, and battered and plain old used.
ii cried bcuz there rilly does come a tyme when tha only thyng left fa yooh to do is cry.
yestaday ii cried.
ii cried bcuz lil boyz get left by their daddies;
and lil gyrlz get forgotten by their mommies;
and daddies dont kno whaa to do, so they leave;
and mommies get left, so they get mad.
ii cried bcuz mah brotha was a lil boi, and bcuz ii was a lil gyrl, and mah mère was a mommy who didnt kno whaa to do, and bcuz ii wanted mah daddy to be there so badly until ii ached.
yestaday ii cried.
ii cried bcuz ii was hurt... ii cried bcuz ii was hurt.
ii cried bcuz hurt has no place to go
except deeper into tha pain thaa caused it in tha 1st place, and when it gets there, tha hurt wakes yooh up.
ii cried bcuz it was too late... ii cried bcuz it was tyme.
ii cried bcuz mah soul knew thaa ii didnt kno
thaa mah soul knew erythyng ii needed to kno.
ii cried a s0ulful cry yestaday, and it felt so good.
it felt so very, very bad.
in tha midst of mah crying, ii felt freedom coming,
yestaday ii cried...
with an agenda.
[iyanla vanzant originally... tweeked by meeh]
inside of meeh
tha neuron
the human body is particularly fascinating to meeh. the way erythyng flows. its specificity. its continuity. its truly a refined masterpiece. but the human brain... WOWZERS!! thaa is sumthin worth studying. sumthin worth understanding. but can we ever truly undastand these thyngs?!?
it tikkled meeh thaa 2day sum1 attempted to compare the human brain to a computer. ii haha @ thaa bcuz the human brain is so much more complex. it excedes the farthest lengths of the greatest computer ever made. while also lakking the selectivity which the computer is lucky to possess... pple are typically amused @ mah response to when iim asked which super power ii wud lyke to have. ii say the ability to forget. thynk about it. do we have a delete button for our mynds thaa sends unwanted files to a recycle bin where it is stored useless but able to restore or completely discard of @ one's leisure?!? nope. we're stucc with thyngs even those memories we do not wish to keep. & tha harder we try to 4get tha more we rememba. ii stop sumtymez......... & juss thynk how much more happier mah day wud go if ii didnt get these random memories or didnt have to worry about tha smallest thyng remyndin meeh of a... hmmz... [unpleasant] tyme of mah lyfe. as if the baggage is weighing meeh down.
but ii mean they say "yooh live & yooh learn" right?!? ii guezz... thaas juss a optimist way of lookin @ it. learn frum your mistakes. blah blah blah. but whaa if mah mistakes r whaas keepin meeh frum progressing? whaa if ii cant let go of tymez when hard work didnt count for anythyng? whaa if ii cant let go of the pain caused by loss of love? & whaa if thee ultimate betrayal frum those to whom ii owe mah lyfe... or actually juss mah birth... has caused meeh to refrain frum allowing any type of relationships? maybe tha lessons learned frum mah lyfe aren't the "happily ever after" ones longed for...
but then whaa do yooh do? :-/
wellz iima keep lookin fa a pointer & delete button...
midnight lament
ii move thru lyfe attempting to conquer tha world
bit by bit... piece by piece.
alone iim a movement.
yet it neva seems enuf.
ii fynd mah self searchin fa more...
searchin fa pple to assist & accompany meeh...
however ii am left with no1.
stabs to tha bacc r infinite.
trust is lost.
loyalty... foreign.
juss call meeh Caesar
ii struggle as iim left to perish
crying out
"et tu?!?"