ii remember amazing. . .
ii remember when lyfe was lyke a dream
& everyday wud bring sweet memories.
ii remember when morning came
& birds wud chirp. thee sun wud shine
all a welcome to thee new day.
ii remember when frustration was nonexistent
& optimism was parallel to lyfe.
ii remember when night fell
& thee attempts to avoid slumber
with an angst to never miss out on anything.
& thee urgency for slumber
with thee thoughts of what thee next day wud bring.
ii remember amazing.
ii remember a tyme when worries were far & n between
a tyme when no one could remove thee light
thee light the day brought
thee light within
thee light the future held
ii remember amazing.
yet it is now only a memory. . .
lyfe has become barren.
mornings have lost their appeal;
they are now approached with dread.
thee day is dull:
no excitement. no pleasure. no affluence.
the nite cold;
rather than longing to stay awake,
the desire for relief prevails, yet remains unfulfilled
as painful thoughts intensify the mind's activity
allowing no room for relaxation.
yes, ii remember amazing
however, now those memories are just that:
a memory. only to retain. but never again to revive.
ii remember amazing, yet anguish has now become its debris[.]
chercher mon âme ...