whaas worse is thaa its a material possession. ii luv it how ii neva long for material thyngs too much. juss cuz ii have priorities & a lot of those aren't on thee list. but this one thyng. ii feel lyke [n jb's voice hehe]. . . thaa it's sumthin ii can't live w.out. ii mean iive been livin w.out it for a while now. but geeeesh. so ii come across mah blog right & ii read whaa ii have written to describe me. then ii read thee same ish on facebook & realize dayum its lyke lyin!! cuz ii def haven't had a digital camera n whaa seems lyke 4eva now.
sukks lyke a lot! yooh don't even kno. lyke thynkin about it almost brings meeh to tears which is rilly weird. iive alwayz had cameras. ALWAYZ! they were alwayz given to meeh too. @ one point ii def had three different kynd. ii remember one broke @ bruin bash cuz thee stupid whyte pple decided they were gonna try & squish us when TI was performin lyke this was them kynd of concerts smh. all bad. then ii bought mah own for thee 1st tyme ever cuz ii realized how much ii luv'd digi cams & wanted a rilly bomb one. thaa was mah last one :-( & it got stolen [stupid dumb azz pple thaa cant get their own shyt. ii still wanna fade ova thaa shyt. ii mean ii can even actually respect sumbody if they stole it straight from meeh cuz then @ least yur bold. ill give yooh thaa. but mayne if yooh pikkin up shyt while iim n a dayum jumper then theres a prob] anywho haven't had one since. been lost since. cuz ii mean despite whaa many pple lyke to thynk [& even tell meeh when ii let them kno]. kisa is straight up poor. smh & it alwayz comes down to eitha iima buy thee cam ii want... or iima have money to eat for thee month or sumthin. sad tymez. but reality is whaa ii gotta deal with. ii mean ii def wud juss not eat lol if ii wasn't lyke on thee verge of diabetes.
:-/ ii juss feel incomplete :-/
but whaa eva. whaa can ya do