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sumtymez ii fynd mah self lyke reflectin & ii dunno why geeesh lol. but yeh so ii def got a surprise visit frum thee ex on friday & ii juss rememba a tyme when he was lyke literally thee person ii wanted to c & talk to & tell erythyng to. mostly cuz he was thee homie [& still is]. a few nites b4 thaa ii was shokked cuz he lyke sayd we shud start talkin again or whaa eva. & fa a while [lyke a LONG tyme ago] ii guezz ii lowkey wud have but iive realized thaa this is mah ni99a ya kno. not lyke any more than thaa tho. . . thaa luv was definitely takin all of mah energy. now ii juss feel revitalized. & iim captivated by thee nonstop smiling iive been experiencin. ii appreciate ery person put into
mah lyfe as a blessing. seems lyke iive been runnin so long tryna keep outta its reach. but now ii cant escape thee grasp gently pullin meeh closer. all ii hear is "dont worry.ii got yooh". calm, content, relieved, comfortable, happy. its worth it, if only juss fa a moment. no otha kisses will do hehe
je l'adore!!

dear summer. . .
ii kno yooh miss meeh cuz we been 2getha lyke BMJs & TIZ [lol]. awwwwwwz its over :-( & it has to have been THEE bess one thus far!! lyke no lie. ii luv'd it so much! iim def gonna miss it! iive literally neva smiled more or as constant as ii have this past summer. spent eryday with mah gyrlz LITERALLY everyday. [wish dee cuda been here :-/] but mayne ii dunno whaa iid do w.out yooh all. yur mah sistaz. mah lyfelines. juss erythyng ii cud eva ask for n friends. lyke ii dunno whaa ii did to deserve to have such a great group but dang God was rilly lookin out fa meeh. spent ery otha day wit mah boiz. made new friends of course as ii alwayz do. enjoyed thee flings hehe ;-). wonderin y 1 ended up meanin more than thee othas ahhhh lol. wellz thee end of summer marks thee beginning of a new season so ii welcome this next one with open arms & ii look forward to thee late nites studyin.
early mornings workin. filled dayz of annalee bebes. great conversation, relaxation and getaways with [him]. tryna fynd those sweet kisses and breathtaking hugs. bacc to reality now. but iim makin sure myne is filled with sum sort of fantasy, if only fa a lil while
iim done fa now so 1 fa now. possibly 4eva we had fun 2getha. but lyke all good thyngs we must come to an end. plz show thee same luv to mah friendz. dear summa. . . ♥

fav quotes::
"ii sweat n tha snow" -freeny
"maybe if ii juss close mah eyes" -kii
"iim so happy ii have this phone & not yurs" -freeny
"ii thynk ii can conquer those balls" -shype
"he been smokin weed since weed came out" -jonathan
"nobody can sweat sooner than ola" -meech
"call thaa ni99a right now lyke. . . 'r yooh sweatin?'" -roccet
"don't disrespect mah lyfestyle" -fonz
"whaa ii got thee roc-o-meter?" -meech
"iim not tryna run tho. iim on thaa type of shyt thaa if ii c yooh, yooh it!" -jonathan [referrin to our game of hide&seek lol]
"sumbody gotta b thirsty to get shyt a lil poppin" -freeny
"ii hated those glasses. ii wanted to rip them off his face & say WTF were yooh thynkin" -nae
"ii love yooh too. look whaa iima do" -momma diana
"ii tried to. ii needed to c it!!" -nae
"shyt. . . whaa happened to meeh goin to work?!?" -meech
"whaa type of ni99a is yooh. . . thaa shyt is panzy water" -swamp [referrin to sisco drynkin smirnoff]
"ni99az n mah lyfe b actin lyke sum nappy headed hoes" -bee
"gotta smoke an L so ii can have a lil love meeh long tyme on mah dikk" -swamp
"ii mean fa real. how wud yooh even feel killin a college student?" -theo